Monday, June 13, 2005

Chicken Saga IV

We are coming up on egg laying time. According to the McMurray Hatchery, they could lay as early as August. We still need to make nest boxes, otherwise we're likely to have to go on an egg hunt every day.

McMurray Hatchery Information and Frequently Asked Questions

  • Most hens will start laying between 5-7 months of age. They will lay best at 1 to 2 years of age. All pullets (female chicken under 1 year of age) lay small eggs at first and after a while will lay larger eggs. Younger hens will lay 1 egg every 3-4 days. A hen 30 weeks old can lay 2 eggs every 3 days. Some have been known to lay an egg a day. All breeds have different laying abilities.

  • By nature, hens like dark out of the way places for laying eggs. The nest you provide can encourage them to lay where you can get at the eggs for collection. Nest boxes for heavy breeds should be about 14" wide by 14" high by 12" deep. Allow one nest for every 4 to 5 hens. Nesting boxes can be purchased. Nests should be 18 to 20 inches off he ground.

  • A fresh egg contains little air so it will sink. An older egg will float. Also, if you break open a fresh egg into a dish, the white is compact and firmly holds the yolk up. In an old egg the white is runny and the yolk will flatten out.

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